Thursday, December 1, 2011

Treasury Dept. investigating whether banks illegally foreclosed on active-duty troops - Nation Wires -

Well duh, when the instructions from the CEO's are basically "no special favors to anybody because that can be construed as favoritism", then of course active duty troops were screwed over regarding home foreclosure actions.  

One portion of the article states...The nation's 14 largest mortgage servicers including Citibank, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and 
Wells Fargo, agreed to review cases after the government found that some rushed the foreclosure process without proper review.

Rather than the banks trying and bend over backwards for everybody, it's just easier for the banks to say, "It doesn't matter whether you're  a distressed homeowner because you're a drug addict or partied everyday, or you tried stopping a beating and were injured as a result and could not work for a while, or you were risking your life fighting for your country,...the banks position is everybody gets treated the same". 

Any request by a homeowner to restructure a debt is considered a credit default by credit default thirsting vampire bankers.

If you want to fight back, DEMAND Justifiable Debt Restructuring be enacted into law.